Tuesday, 3 February 2015

1st of March here we come

Hi All
Santa and the new year have come and gone, that can only mean one thing March 1st is just around the corner oh joy of joys bring it on. Hope you all had a good off season and are raring to go, to wet your appetite the fly tying has returned for the next 6 weeks and has changed from the rear room of the GAA to one closer to the bar in the main building. Also the 2015 calendar is complete and posted so get those dates in your diary early we've a feeling this will be a good year. Its the clubs 25th anniversary this year there will be commemoration of this milestone throughout the year. We hope you all enjoy the season ahead and land that dream fish of a lifetime (well heres to hoping).

Tight Lines


  1. Hi there, I was wondering about joining your club is it open for members at the moment? I have fished the river a number of times and have had some good success. Who should I contact about possibly joining?

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