Sunday, 16 December 2012

Pike Comp 2012

Hi All
The Pike competition was a success again this year with a good turn out and some nice pike caught as well. Donals cooking was again a resounding success and a welcome winter warmer on a chilly day, many thanks to Donal & Dave for the BBQ.
A good few pike were caught and the best of which was caught by Tom Connelly who won the event for a second time well done Tom.
That wraps up another year of competitions only Christmas left to sort out before the thoughts of a new season are upon us,  lets pray next year is a better one (fishing wise anyway) we don't ask for much.
Dont forget the fly tying is now in full flight the usual spot at the rear of leixlip GAA Thursday nights all welcome in particular beginners.
Have a great Christmas & a Happy New Year

p.s. If any of our members have any winter fishing pics/stories to share please email them to and we will post them here on the blog.

Donal & Dave working hard at the welcome BBQ

Good flow on the Cascade 

A good turn out on the day

 John Brennan presents Tom Connelly with the winners trophy